Touch healing, known as spiritua...: THE HEALING TOUCH
Touch healing, known as spiritual healing, has been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years.
In medical pr...
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Healing Touch
Touch healing, known as spiritual healing, has been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years.
In medical practice shoulder touching establishes a physical rapport of trust between a patient and his or her physician.
Touch with a hand is a non visible, intangible healing energy when coupled alongside with emapthy. An empathetic hand can ease or even heal symptoms of emotional distress in susceptible individuals.
It may induce positive emotions and thus positive thinking.. These are linked to enhancement of natural immunity and therefore quicker recovery from ailments.
This painting shows an exageratedly extended arm with the hand on the shoulder of a distressed individual. In the African continent traditional healers play a role in the mental well being of the community.
Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Artist
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Medicine And Art: AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONMy best friend appears to be...
Medicine And Art: AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONMy best friend appears to be...: AUDITORY HALLUCINATION My best friend appears to be ill She appears to be distressed from stress. It feels as if she had a nervous brea...
Auditory Hallucination
My best friend appears to be ill
She appears to be distressed from stress.
It feels as if she had a nervous breakdown.
I see her turning her face off me.
I see her as if she is silently talking to someone.
She says she is hearing voices.
She tried to communicate with the source.
These are voices of strangers.
She says she is hearing voices that
Tell her to become a messenger of God.
She says she is hearing these voices right now.
I turned around and I could not hear anything but
Peaceful silence surrounding us
My friend is seriously ill.
She will not accept she is sick.
She says she will spread the message of God.
Is she experiencing auditory hallucination?
Is it possible that she is a phenomenally gifted person?
Is it possible she can hear what others cannot?
The field of Psychiatry is puzzling.
Does my friend need a psychiatric treatment?
I don’t think so, because
She is not hearing commanding voices such as
Killing self or hurting others.
I feel a gap is forming between our relationship.
I will leave her condition stay its course.
I will be supportiing her.
Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Artist
Monday, November 26, 2012
Medicine And Art: VERTIGOI felt shaken by a sudden glimpse of fear. ...
Medicine And Art: VERTIGOI felt shaken by a sudden glimpse of fear. ...: VERTIGO I felt shaken by a sudden glimpse of fear. I never experienced such physical impairment before. My brain ceased to control my bod...
I felt shaken by a sudden glimpse of fear.
I never experienced such physical impairment before.
My brain ceased to control my body.
My vision ceased to focus on its surrounding
My body felt as if dissociated from my brain.
My balance fell under the influence of a distorted environment.
I felt as if floating in a weightless space environment.
I felt as if I am about to hit the ground.
My head switched to a spinning cycle.
Defensively I abducted and extended my legs and arms
I felt safer and avoided the threat of falling.
A sense of apprehension restrained my confidence.
I realized that human is a fragile being.
Yesterday I was healthy.
Today my health is on the verge of collapse.
I must see my doctor to relieve my suffering..
I am worried about brain tumor.
My doctor reassured me.
I have a benign condition called vertigo.
He counseled me.
I feel completely relieved and healed.
Mohamed Osman, MD
Artist & Physician
Medicine And Art: FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION Medicine is a science th...
Medicine And Art: FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION Medicine is a science th...: FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION Medicine is a science that evolved to ease or resolve human agonies and risks of fatalities from medical or sur...
Friday, November 23, 2012
Medicine And Art: STEM CELL CLONINGWith the advent of the rapidly gr...
Medicine And Art: STEM CELL CLONINGWith the advent of the rapidly gr...: STEM CELL CLONING With the advent of the rapidly growing medical technolgies and science, the concept of human cloning has captured the ...
Stem Cell Cloning
With the advent of the rapidly growing medical technolgies and science, the concept of human cloning has captured the attention of many scientists and genetecists worldwide.
ClOning humans is subject to strong negative ethical implications. Therefore the current global consensus supports the banning of human cloning.
However, a successful cloning of organs from stem cells could be encouraging news for patients whose lives could be saved by organ transplantation.
This painting reflects the controversial concept of human cloning
Dr Mohamed Osman
Physician & Artist
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Medicine And Art: OBESITY IN IMMIGRANTSShe lived in Africa. She drea...
Medicine And Art: OBESITY IN IMMIGRANTSShe lived in Africa. She drea...: OBESITY IN IMMIGRANTS She lived in Africa. She dreamed of coming to America. She believed that America is the land of opportunities. She ...
Obesity in Immigrants
She lived in Africa. She dreamed of coming to America.
She believed that America is the land of opportunities.
She believed that Americans are compassionate.
Coming to America was not easy.
America gave her the comfort she had expected
To achieve it was not easy. She become successful
She became rich.Her life revolved around work and home.
Her life became boring. She had no time to make friends.
She had no time to eat healthy diet. She had no time to exercise.
She had no time to walk.TV became her best friend.
She looked at herself.She found that she was morbidly obese.
She felt that she is not attractive.
She became obsessive about her weight.
She became angry at herself.She became depressed.
America gave her the comfort.
She could not accept the price she had to pay.
She could not resist the influence of the media.
The media stresses the concept about beauty.
To be beautiful you have to be thin.
The impact of the media influence was strong.
She wished she were thin.
this became her last American dream.
Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & artist
Medicine And Art: RHEUMATOID ARTHRITISIt Is a chronic disabiling inf...
Medicine And Art: RHEUMATOID ARTHRITISIt Is a chronic disabiling inf...: RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS It Is a chronic disabiling inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks ...
Rheumatoid Arthritis
It Is a chronic disabiling inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks the joints.
About 1% of the world's population is afflicted by rheumatoid arthritis, women three times more often than men. Onset is most frequent between the ages of 40 and 50, but people of any age can be affected
The first known traces of rheumatoid arthritis are from around 4500 B.C.
Clearly the history of rheumatoid arthritis goes way back, and it could even be possible that it has been plaguing mankind since humanity’s inception. It is unfortunate that even after such a long period of suffering that there is little knowledge about the causes of rheumatoid arthritis, and we have yet to discover a cure
Mohamed Osman,
Physician & Artist
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Medicine And Art: THE UNHEARD AGONIESIn Africa children are the most...
Medicine And Art: THE UNHEARD AGONIESIn Africa children are the most...: THE UNHEARD AGONIES In Africa children are the most unfortunate victims of AIDS They are infected with this deadly virus not by their choi...
The Unheard Agonies
In Africa children are the most unfortunate victims of AIDS They are infected with this deadly virus not by their choice.
Their agony goes unnoticed by the World and that is what this paintings depicts.The World is aware of the mounting challanges of this devastating viral infection that is capable of wiping-out generations of Africans.
Education on safe sexual practices and prevention of peri-natal viral transmission are among the monumental challanges facing African leaders today.
mohamed osman
physician & artist
Medicine And Art: THUMB SUCKINGThumb Sucking is an infant's chief pl...
Medicine And Art: THUMB SUCKINGThumb Sucking is an infant's chief pl...: THUMB SUCKING Thumb Sucking is an infant's chief pleasure. Universally babies suck on their fingers at some time during the first 2 years ...
Thumb Sucking is an infant's chief pleasure. Universally babies suck on their fingers at some time during the first 2 years of their life. An infant's mouth is an essential organ not only for feeding but for exploration and pleasure as well.
There is no evidence that thumb sucking is a response to an emotional ailment. It does not elicit teeth deformities as long as it cedes before the eruption of the permenent teeth.
Thumb sucking enhances weight gain and decreased crying and therefore it is a source of self comforting.
Persistance of thumbsucking to adulthood is equivalent or parallel to overeating with resultant obesity.
Mohamed Buwe Osman, MD
physician & artist
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Medicine And Art: GENETIC ENGINEERINGThe brirth of a child is the in...
Medicine And Art: GENETIC ENGINEERINGThe brirth of a child is the in...: GENETIC ENGINEERING The brirth of a child is the initiation of human life cycle. It commemorates the continuation of human lineage in th...
Monday, November 19, 2012
Medicine And Art: STRESS IN CHILDRENChildren relate to their parents...
Medicine And Art: STRESS IN CHILDRENChildren relate to their parents...: STRESS IN CHILDREN Children relate to their parents as the strongest and most powerful people on earth. They depend completely on their pa...
Stress inChildren
Children relate to their parents as the strongest and most powerful people on earth. They depend completely on their parents for care.
Children like adults are susceptible to psychological and social stress. Their mental well being is dependent on the support, care, and love given by parents and family members. Any circumstances that intervene with such dependency may elicit mental distress.
This painting points to a sad exagerated cephalic image of a child following separation from family members. One of the psychologically protective reactions of a child experiencing distress is fantasiziing the absence of such distress.
Fantasy is similiar to meditation as a healing tool that ameliorates the symptoms of mental distress.
mohamed osman, MD
physician & artist
Medicine And Art: DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDERDissociative identit...
Medicine And Art: DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDERDissociative identit...: DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER Dissociative identity disorder, once known as multiple personality disorder is one of the most mysterious a...
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative identity disorder, once known as multiple personality disorder is one of the most mysterious and fascinating topics in Psychiatry that has attracted the attention of movie makers who have portrayed its unusual clinical manifestations in numerous films.
A living being is identified by individually authentic characteristics such as behavior, attitude, temper, moral/ethical conduct, gesticulation, way of thinking, reasoning, viewing, relationships with others, religious orientation, eating habits, preferences, sexual orientation and so on.
In Africa dissociation from one's authenticity is viewed as abnormal and interpreted as being possessed by an outside spirit.
This painting shows an unusually large cephalic image that impartws the illusion of two conjoint faces expressing different personalities.
mohamed osman
physician & artist
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Medicine And Art: Time OutI am only 4 years old.I like me and my wor...
Medicine And Art: Time OutI am only 4 years old.I like me and my wor...: Time Out I am only 4 years old. I like me and my world. I am still learning I have learned to know my behavior limits. I have learned to ...
Time Out
Time Out
I am only 4 years old.
I like me and my world.
I am still learning
I have learned to know my behavior limits.
I have learned to respect others.
I have learned to let me ego relax.
When my ego overpowers my will
My parents respond with a disciplinary action.
I am sent far away from my egocentric world
I don’t like to stand by the corner of the room
It is better than being struck
However it makes me feel lonely
it makes me feel helpless
It makes me feel voiceless.
I am only 4 years old
I am still learning.
I like me.
I have learned to respect others.
I may earn a respect by doing this.
I have learned the rules that govern our household.
I will avoid confrontation with my parents.
If my ego overtakes my will, I will be patient.
It takes a repetition of mistakes to learn.
It takes harship to acquire knowledge.
I am only 4 years old.
My parents apparently know this.
I feel at times they are unreasonable.
I don’t like to be disciplined.
Because I am still 4 yeas old
I should be given time to learn by myself.
Dr Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Artist
Medicine And Art: Cancer of the Blood, LeukemiaIt is characterized b...
Medicine And Art: Cancer of the Blood, LeukemiaIt is characterized b...: Cancer of the Blood, Leukemia It is characterized by an increment in immature blood cells. These cells displace the normal bone marrow c...
Cancer of the Blood, Leukemia
It is characterized by an increment in immature blood cells. These cells displace the normal bone marrow cells such as white & Red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytres and others. Manifestation of Leukemia is vast and is not within the scope of this art image.
Mohamed Buwe Osman
Physician & Artist
Medicine And Art: Medicine And Art: Liver CirrhosisOur environment a...
Medicine And Art: Medicine And Art: Liver CirrhosisOur environment a...: Medicine And Art: Liver CirrhosisOur environment and nature are our ... : Liver Cirrhosis Our environment and nature are our best inspiratio...
Liver Failure
I feel sad and distressed.
My father is very ill.
His condition is going downhill.
He feels weak and fatigued.
He has been bleeding from his rectum.
His eyes turned yellow.
His legs are swollen.
His belly is tensely distended.
It causes him shortness of breath.
His veins are visible on his belly.
His breasts had increased in size.
He lost weight.
His doctor said that
He has the complications of Hepatitis C.
He needs liver transplanted.
Organ donors are scarce.
I am afraid my father will not make it.
He might not get a donor‘s liver..
The waiting list is too long.
His doctor drained the ascitic fluid.
He felt some relief.
My father will die without a liver.
Stem cell cloning might be the answer.
Our politicians should allow
stem cell cloning to save my father.
mohamed osman, MD
physician & artist
Medicine And Art: Liver CirrhosisOur environment and nature are our ...
Medicine And Art: Liver CirrhosisOur environment and nature are our ...: Liver Cirrhosis Our environment and nature are our best inspirational and learning sources. Our creative mind communicates with our surr...
Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis
Our environment and nature are our best inspirational and learning sources.
Our creative mind communicates with our surrounding environment though curiosity and attention.
What draws our creative attention to this image is jaundiced patient and enlarged liver. The link between the 2 could be :
1. alcoholic fatty liver
2. alcoholic liver cirrhosis
3. Hepatitis
4. liver cancer.
5. primary biliary cirrhosis
6. Fatty liver of obesity. and the list does not end here.
Your brain can make synthesis and analysis of your visual perception if you are attentive and curious.
Mohamed Buwe Osman, MD
physician & visualo artist
Medicine And Art: SOMNAMBULISMSleep walking is a state of wakefulnes...
Medicine And Art: SOMNAMBULISMSleep walking is a state of wakefulnes...: SOMNAMBULISM Sleep walking is a state of wakefulness in disossociation with a dormant brain. Sleep walking is manifested by a myriad of ...
Sleep walking is a state of wakefulness in disossociation with a dormant brain.
Sleep walking is manifested by a myriad of unconsciously derived unintentional acts that are guided by high cortical and subcortical brain activities during sleep.
The sleep walking activities may include sitting up and looking awake, sitting and walking around as reflected in this image, or complex activities such as going to the bathroom, washing clothes, dressing and even driving a car.
Rare reports describe incidents of serious injuries, sexual misconduc and violent behavior occuring in adults experiencing somanambulism.
Mohamed Buwe Osman
Physician ^ Artist
Transsexualism, acrylic painting 36” x 48”
It is is a complex medical condition in which a transsexual person self identifies as a member whose gender is the opposite the one assigned by birth. Transsexual is a person whose gender identifying brain center sees the opposite physical sex organs of the body. Even at early age, transsexuals are aware of being a gender contrary to their biologic birth sex. They suffer from psychological and emotional distress correlated with correction of the error at birth. Transsexuals encounter barriers and stigma when trying to establish a social role as a member of the gender with which they identify. Physician should feel comfortable and keep an open non-judgmental line of communication when assessing and managing transsexual individuals. It is important that physician call their name accordingly to the gender with which they identify. Physician should facilitate and coordinate their care during their difficult transitional period when they are undergoing sexual reassignment procedures.

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Medicine And Art: Aging together.Aging is a natural degenerative pro...
Medicine And Art: Aging together.Aging is a natural degenerative pro...: Aging together. Aging is a natural degenerative process and it is part of the human life cycle. This cycle moves only forward in a cl...
Aging Together
Aging together.
Aging is a natural degenerative process and it is part of the human life cycle. This cycle moves only forward in a clockwise manner. Science cannot revert it backward. Human is revitalized and rejuvenated by memories of his early phases of the cycle.
Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Artist
Medicine And Art: Medicine And Art: The Memory Tunnel"Memory is like...
Medicine And Art: Medicine And Art: The Memory Tunnel"Memory is like...: Medicine And Art: The Memory Tunnel"Memory is like a tunnel that run... : The Memory Tunnel "Memory is like a tunnel that runs inside our br...
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain Disorder
Pain is a distressful feeling or sensation signaling possible acute injury.
Perception of pain differs in different cultures and individuals.
Pain may persist even after the painful causing stimulus is removed.
For example memories of a painful experience in life may persevere to lingering pain. Prototype of such experience is female genital mutilation.
Unexpected and unintended injury may elicit both physical and emotional pains. Emotional pain is hard to vanish since it can be precipitated every time a similar experience is encountered.
The word pain originates from the Latin “poena” meaning a penalty or fine.
“Why should an innocent girl be penalized with genital cutting that causes lingering pain through her adulthood? "
Dr Mohamed Osman,
Physician and Artist
Medicine And Art: The Memory Tunnel"Memory is like a tunnel that run...
Medicine And Art: The Memory Tunnel"Memory is like a tunnel that run...: The Memory Tunnel "Memory is like a tunnel that runs inside our brain. On each side of the tunnel wall there are image exhibits like wh...
Memory Tunnel
The Memory Tunnel
"Memory is like a tunnel that runs inside our brain. On each side of the tunnel wall there are image exhibits like what we see in Art Galleries. Each image carries coded messages. Human can stroll through this tunnel and retrieve any message archived on these walls."
Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Visual Artist
Medicine And Art: FEARSUncertainty is the backbone of fears, stress ...
Medicine And Art: FEARSUncertainty is the backbone of fears, stress ...: FEARS Uncertainty is the backbone of fears, stress and anxiety. Uncertainty springs its root from mismatch of expectations versus unpr...
Uncertainty is the backbone of fears, stress and anxiety. Uncertainty springs its root from mismatch of expectations versus unpredictable outcome.Fear is an adoptive and coping response to threats of human integrity. Fear teaches and guides us to develop a defensive strategy against uncertainties entangled with dangers or threats to our own lives.
Mohamed Osman,MD
Physician & Visual Artist
Friday, November 16, 2012
Medicine And Art: Cerebro Vascular AccidentStroke has been known to...
Medicine And Art: Cerebro Vascular AccidentStroke has been known to...: Cerebro Vascular Accident Stroke has been known to humans as long as Homo Sapiens lived on this planet. Hippocrate, the father of medici...
Cerebro Vascular Accident
Stroke has been known to humans as long as Homo Sapiens lived on this planet.
Hippocrate, the father of medicine, described the clinical manifestation of stroke about 2400 years ago. Later in the mid 16th century, it was discovered that people who suffered from stroke sustained bleeding in the brain.
Stroke occurs when the blood suplply to part of the brain is interrupted or diminished. As a result of this, the brain cells die.
Major advances has been made in understanding and management of stroke.
Improvement in the control of risk factors for this disabling condition such as smoking, hypertension and cholesterol has led to significant decline in its incidence.
mohamed osman, MD
physician & artist
Monday, November 12, 2012
Medicine And Art: Bipolar Disorder is one of the most distinct disor...
Medicine And Art: Bipolar Disorder is one of the most distinct disor...: Bipolar Disorder is one of the most distinct disorders in Psychiatry and it has been described in numerous cultures over the course of ce...
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder is one of the most distinct disorders in Psychiatry and it has been described in numerous cultures over the course of centuries. The hallmark of the illness is mania that alternates with episodes of depression. Mania inmany ways is the vice versa of depression.
Mania in this painting is expressed as a bright, happy, mood elating, colorful image which occupies the right half of the depicted face. In contrast the left half face represents depression impressed as a dark, greyish, disturbed and melancholic image.
Mania is manifested by elevated mood, euphoria, overactivity and increased optimism. Eventually it reaches a peak characterized by the lack of controllable behavior and judgement. During this phase, at some point patient could be extremely creative.
mohamed osman, MD
physician and artist
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Medicine And Art: TetanusIt is an abnormal posture elicited by sever...
Medicine And Art: TetanusIt is an abnormal posture elicited by sever...: Tetanus It is an abnormal posture elicited by severe spasm of the axial muscle along the spinal column. Such posture is linked to tetanus...
It is an abnormal posture elicited by severe spasm of the axial muscle along the spinal column. Such posture is linked to tetanus and it predicts imminent death.
Tetanus is caused by bacteria called clostridium tetani. It is a gloabl health problem since the spores of these bacteria are ubiquitous. Tetanus occurs almost exclusively in person who are unvaccinated or inadequately immunized.
The clinical manifestation of tetanus was mentioned by Hypocrates more than 2000 years ago. Tetanus does not spread from person to person. There were numerous reports of incidences of tetanus as a result of female genital cutting. Such occurrences were linked to the use of non sterile, contaminated with these bacteria instruments.
Why parents should allow Female Genital Cutting of their loved ones !Are they really aware of such a complication like tetanus? Are they conscentious about the fatality of such complication?
Do not ignore that death occuring as a result of FGM is a crime committed by parents. It has to stop.
Dr Mohamed Buwe Osman,
Physician and Artist
Medicine And Art: Human Life Cycle : InitiationInitiation of human l...
Medicine And Art: Human Life Cycle : InitiationInitiation of human l...: Human Life Cycle : Initiation Initiation of human life germinates from the fertilazation of mature egg cell by a living motile spermatozoa...
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
HumsnLife Cycle
Human Life Cycle : Initiation
Initiation of human life germinates from the fertilazation of mature egg cell by a living motile spermatozoa as depicted in this image.
A fertilized egg contains a muultitude of higly selective genetic information that determines our species as humans.
A fertilized egg has the same shape and appearance as that of a fertilized egg of non human origin.
Earth, water and air as depicted in this image reflect the sources and supporting elements of evolutionary life on earth.
Dr Mohamed Osman,
Physician & Artist
Monday, November 5, 2012
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering
The birth of a child is the initiation of human life cycle.
It commemorates the continuation of human lineage in the evolution of mankind.
Do Aliens exist?
How do they reproduce?
Do they have gender characteristics like male and female gender organs/
Do they have a word like “birth” of a newborn?
If they don’t reproduce like humans, can we assume that they are genetically engineered and cloned!
Cloning human is within the reach and capacity of human knowledge today. Why Human should clone another human when this is already accomplished by our Divine Nature?
What about cloning parts or organs of human as spare parts? Nature has not provided us spare parts in case a part of our body fails to function.From medical experience we know that any parts or organs of human can fail from complications of grave diseases or inborn errors. In this World, What options do doctors have? Very limited options.
Why not support cloning of organs as spare parts for the simple reason that they can save us from dying earlier and therefore loose the Gift of living.
Why should we deprive self from the gift of nature e.g. use of limitless capacity of our brain. The life cycle of human cannot be abolished by human. However the duration span of this cycle can be influenced by mankind.
Dr mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Artist
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Mental Distress
Mental Distress
The Agony of uncertainties. Uncertainty is the fountainhead of human suffering. Inhibited desires predisposes human to distress.
Desire battles with possibilities. Possiblities are limited in our modern society and therefore desires becomes unobtainable.
Young people are immersed in the mismatch of possibilites vs desires.Therefore they are more prone to depression, anxiety, use of drugs, Domestic violence and so on.
Mohamed Osman, MD
Physician & Visual Artist
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Female Genital Mutilation Female
Genital Mutilation is a cultural practice that started in Africa approximately 2000 years ago. FGM is practiced by Muslims and non Muslims alike residing mainly in Sub Saharan Africa in countries that include but not limited to Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Chad. The extent of mutilation of such practices range from excision of the clitoris to complete infibulation which involves removal of the clitoris, labia minor and labia major leaving a small orifice for the passage of urine and menstrual blood. Instruments used for this painful procedure may vary and could include knives, scissors, razor blades, sharp edge of broken glass and so on. Once the cutting is completed, the genital area is cleaned with water and stitched up and legs bound up for nearly 45 days. The immediate and long term health effects of FGM vary according to the type and severity of the procedure performed. Immediate complications include bleeding, excruciating pain, urine retention, injury to the adjacent tissues such as the urethra. Long term consequences of FGM include formation of cysts and abscesses, urinary incontinence, painful sexual intercourse, sexual dysfunction and difficulties with childbirth. Psycho social and psycho sexual impacts of FGM leave a lasting mark on the life and mind of women. In the longer term, women may suffer from feeling of incompleteness, anxiety and depression. In conclusion, the female human naturally evolved to have at least as intense an orgasm as the male. Sexual arousal is accompanied by blood flow to the clitoris and labia just as it is to the penis. Why human should get rid of the gift of nature that provides pleasure?

Friday, November 2, 2012
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Coitus is an essential to mental well being and a primitive instinct that spans from birth to the end of senility. Sexual dysfunction is trivialized, under reported and a distressful human experience manifested by a myriad of symptomatology such as loss of libido, erection, maintenance of erection, orgasm and premature ejaculation. Environmental stress may cause sexual dysfunction which may in turn elicit mental derangement as shown in this painting. The exaggerated image of fruits as depicted here reflect the need and joy of eating as an essential human instinct like sexual desire and coitus. I
Sexual desire does not vanish in senility neither it ends even in the presence of dementia. That is one of the reason drug manufacturers are getting wealthier in selling of sex enhancing medication like Viagra.

Vsion of Art in Medicine
Medicine is a science that enables trained physicians to heal their patients. Over 3 thousands years ago the ancient Kimetics/Egyptian Physicians pointed out that healing a patient is an Art that addresses all levels of being: Body, Mind & Soul. This notion holds true up to this date.
Art has color energy capable of touching, comforting and healing patients. An art image may carry invisible healing messages. For example a beautifully painted tranquil scene of an ocean may transcend human an awareness of serenity in harmony with our environment. Serenity is concordant with exertion of peace to our mind. Therefore such scenes along with the acoustic waves of the ocean may confer relaxation of our tense muscles elicited by stress, reduce feelings of apprehension and therefore overall healing.
Contemporary Art, likewise written literature should convey a message. People are more receptive to the language of art. Representation of a message through an art image is more conceivable than written words. Human has not to be literate, educated or trained in art to understand the language of art and hereby the message that it carries.
An art image helps retain our memories better. There is a concept of associative memory in humans. An image contains information or a message. Our memory center deciphers the message contained in this art image and stores in the memory archive of the brain. When human encounters similar image in nature or life the memory archive opens up and the old stored message linked with this image will be brought up to light.
.For example when a resident or a medical student encounters similar image while examining a patient in his routine training, the associative memory archive will open up, disclose the stored information incorporated in this image.
For Example Visual Hallucination
Another Example : Diabetic REtinopathy And Blindness
A Third Example : Melancholia
Exposure to Art enhances retention of our memory and therefore prevents Alzheimer’s disease.
Memory is like a bridge that connects the present with the past. Not knowing the past is parallel to the loss of cognition, regression of knowledge and skills. The current level of human knowledge represents furtherance of the past knowledge. The human brain has no boundaries as to the acquisition of new skills and discovery of the unknown. Human have billions of brain cells that are dormant. We tend to use less our functioning brain cells. As a result of this we are becoming less fit to survive in our surrounding environment.
Memory is a living energy that can retrieve experiences of the past and bring to our cognition whenever he is needed.
Dr Mohamed Buwe Osman
American Board Certified Physician
Visual Artist
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