Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nose Bleeding

The latest portrait from my series of portraits.
Acrylic  22" x 18" on stretched canvas: 6/2014
Title : Epistaxys ( Nose Bleeding )
It will go to my Art & Medicine Archive.


Rhinitis ( Sanboor ) or rhino sinusitis
Hot dry weather
blood thinner medications
High Blood Pressure.
Platelet disorder
liver disorder such cirrhosis of the liver.
Injuries to the nose.
Vigorous  nose blowing
Check the rest.

Visual Art In devotion to the knowledge of medicine.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Attachment to memories


My mind sees that You are not here.

My memories about you talk to me everyday.

You are and will be always in the deepest level of my heart.

I flush from ecstasy of such memories.

Photo: Attachment.

My mind sees that You are not here. 
My memories about you talk to me everyday.
You are and will be always in the deepest level of my heart. 
I flush from ecstasy of such memories. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Unconscious

The Unconscious World.

Our environment is the fertility seed in our creative life.

Creativity is in the unconscious reservoir of our brain. Our communication with nature is the fountainhead of our creative experiences. What impresses us in nature elicits a chain of biologic response which are learned and stored as a memory concept. Such perception could be in contradiction with our inner self but it could come back in form of a metaphorical dream or emotional conduct unconsciously.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dreams 2


The unconscious contains our primitive biological urges that makes us survive ( hopes, dreams, fantasies, wishes, creativity love, warmth, conducts. sexual urges, abuses and the list is endless.)

Dream is part of our unconscious life. It delivers protective work without our conscious awareness. Our brain cannot handle every single second of exposed information though our conscious awareness. Our unconscious delivers messages in the form of sensory images. Dreams are difficult to interpret since they do not follow the logic of our conscious awareness. But all dream carry our unconscious experiences of our daily life( present and past ).
Difficult subject.

Photo: Dreams.

The unconscious contains our primitive biological urges that makes us survive ( hopes, dreams, fantasies, wishes, creativity love, warmth, conducts. sexual urges, abuses and the list is endless.)  
Dream is part of our unconscious life. It delivers protective work without our conscious awareness. Our brain cannot handle every single second of exposed information though our conscious awareness. Our unconscious delivers messages in  the form of sensory images. Dreams are difficult to interpret since they do not follow the logic of our conscious awareness. But all dream carry  our unconscious experiences of our daily life( present and past ). 
Difficult subject. 


Waiting My Lab Results

Waiting My Results.

A New Patient in our Modern Clinic & Gallery.

"Waiting anxiously my Doctor.

He is catching up with the pace.

He has a lot of patients to see.
He must have a magic brain box
where he stores his knowledge.
Will he be able to recognize my condition!
Worried about my lab results.
What if .............. "

Photo: Waiting My Results.
A New Patient in our Modern Clinic & Gallery. 

"Waiting anxiously my Doctor. 
He is catching up with the pace. 
He has a lot of patients to see. 
He must have a magic brain box
where he stores his knowledge. 
Will he be able to recognize my condition!
Worried about my lab results. 
What if .............. "

The Poligamist

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hiding Places

My Hiding Places.

People could be forced to hide due to natural catastrophe and imminent violence.

Hiding is one of the protective instincts that human develops and acquires in response to evolutionary experiences of self protection due to danger. .

Hiding is not a sign of weakness. It is a spontaneous self preservation instinct.

Human might neglect this instinct and opt to escape or face the danger.
Don't you see this everyday!.


Chewing Qaat

Chewing "Qaat "t, Herbal Amphetamine like Drug.

It is my nature to stay attentive and curious all the time.

Curiosity delivers oxygen to our, lethargic at times, creative minds.

My mind is alert and spongy ready to absorb any new phenomenon that will strike my creativity as an artist.




It is scary to be far away above the surface of the ground.

You profoundly sense your connection with the earth is being disrupted.
You anxiously desire to reconnect setting your feet on the ground.
You start appreciating how beautiful our world is from the clear sky.
Why should you obliterate and pollute such pure clarity with your greed driven
fumes of violence and pollution.


Tobacco Smoker

A Nature Portrait of a smoker.

Impressionism or creative art.

Nicotine abuse.

Nicotine is one of the most abused substance in the world.
Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Coronary Artery Disease, Stroke, premature aging, periodontal diseases and so on are all linked to this habit forming substance.
Will You still continue smoking!


Exhibition of Art


The good thing about social media is that you don't have to be represented by a Gallery to exhibit your works of Art. Guess what ! To be allowed to exhibit your Art, in a Gallery you have to meet their criteria of eligibility and merit.

If you happen to sell your original You earn back only 50% of your creativity and hard work. People who assess your Art are not even artists. I have decided not to exhibit my works of art anywhere unless I am paid first for doing the exhibition or PERFORMING A HUMANITARIAN FUND RAISING ACTIVITY.



The Life Style of Tortoise

Turtles are frequently pictured in many cultures as easygoing, patient, and wise creatures. They are an emblem of longevity and stability in many cultures around the world.

Although slow in their movements, they can cover long distances and therefore the myth about tortoise being lazy is not justifiable.

In our modern society people suffer from heart attacks and strokes. Some of the leading factors to such incidences include hectic life style, stress, worries, being rushed all the time. That is why we live shorter than tortoise do.




A serene landscape heals our tumultuous mind.
A serene mind can heal our tense body.
A serene experience may induce relaxation of the body.
This represents the backbone of meditation.

Unconsciously we use to go to the beach after school in Somalia.
Our body tries to heal itself from impacts of stress.
There is a puzzling wisdom enveloped in our unconscious world.
My conscious world had learned this wisdom.
I have learned how to control my mind.


Photo: Serenity.
A serene landscape heals our tumultuous mind. 
A serene mind can heal our tense body. 
A serene experience may induce relaxation of the body. 
This represents the backbone of meditation. 

Unconsciously we use to go to the beach after school in Somalia. 
Our body tries to heal itself from impacts of stress. 
There is a puzzling wisdom enveloped in our unconscious world. 
My conscious world had learned this wisdom. 
I have learned how to control my mind. 

You don't have to accept my citations. 
Not matter how your relate to me, 
I will keep loving you. 


Monday, June 2, 2014

Visual Hallucination


I am positive  about seeing people whom I know.
My family says there is no one there.
I am not on drugs and I don't feel sick
I am not under any stress of life.
My vison is perfect.
I don't even wear glasses.

I am a product of full term pregnancy.
I never suffered from any medical condition in my past.
My family is always supportive.

I had troube communicating with friends.
I could not estabilish close relationship with a man.
I don't have genetic predisposition to  psychiatlric disorder.

Am I suffering from a psychiatlric disorder.
Am I halucinating.
What could otherwise be attributed to my hallucination.
Are there people with extraordinary perceptions that
allow them to see things that others are unable to see!

What should I Do.
Do I need t reatment.

Mohamed Buwe Osman, MD
Physician & Artist



Communication is a 2 way process composed of speaking and listening.

Does it happen! Most of the time people speak endlessly missing the other component, the ability to listen.

In such instances the word communication changes into a speech ( there is a speaker and listener ).

In this image a woman is communicating with a beautiful flower.

This is true with Medicine. Listening to the history and complaints of the patient

can provide valuable clues which could lead to the correct diagnosis and accordingly correct treatment.

Mohamed Osman, MD

Physician & Artist