I am positive about seeing people whom I know.
My family says there is no one there.
I am not on drugs and I don't feel sick
I am not under any stress of life.
My vison is perfect.
I don't even wear glasses.
I am a product of full term pregnancy.
I never suffered from any medical condition in my past.
My family is always supportive.
I had troube communicating with friends.
I could not estabilish close relationship with a man.
I don't have genetic predisposition to psychiatlric disorder.
Am I suffering from a psychiatlric disorder.
Am I halucinating.
What could otherwise be attributed to my hallucination.
Are there people with extraordinary perceptions that
allow them to see things that others are unable to see!
What should I Do.
Do I need t reatment.
Mohamed Buwe Osman, MD
Physician & Artist
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