Friday, September 12, 2014

Loss of appetite

Loss of Appetite
Loss of appetite is not a disease but a symptom that might alert physician to look for its causes. Knowledge of Medicine is like an ocean. When your knowledge is not paired with experience you may end up making assumptions. Making assumption in the field of medicine is like being negligent.
Here a re some of the conditions that might elicit loss of appetite :
1. Poor dentition take for example someone who munches Qaat.
2. Depression.
3. Dementia
4. Loss of taste buds. For example people who are addicted to nicotine.
5. Fear of Pain- postprandial.
6. Malignancies.
7. Major psychiatric conditions.
8. Advanced Kidney Failure.
9. Advanced heart failure.
10. Chronic lung conditions
11. Continue the list.


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