Sunday, August 10, 2014

Nicotine addiction


I am addicted to nicotine.
Nicotine suppresses my appetite.
It increases my serotonin level
therefore it makes me feel good.
I am well aware about the health risks
linked to nicotine.
It feels hard to quit smoking.
Nicotine should be banned in the world.
It is never perceived as addictive as alcohol or other drugs.
It is widely available in most of the stores.
Tax money, generated from sale of nicotine, supports the government budget.
On the other side of the coin billions of dollars are Spent on the medical conditions linked to nicotine.
My close friend is diagnosed with lung cancer today.
I feel distressed.
Finally I made up my mind.
I will quit smoking right now.


1 comment:

  1. Dr. Osman the painting is deep and the description is spot on.
