Thursday, April 18, 2013

Amphetamine Psychosis

Amphetamine Psychosis

Use of Amphetamine and Methamphetamine is common in the world population. A weaker version of amphetamine is "Qaat" used in East Africa and Yemen. Amphetamine may elicit symptom compatible with psychosis which is indistinguishable from acute schizophrenia Spectrum of psychosis.This is manifested by loss of touch with reality, hallucinations and distorted perception of events.
Such symptoms does not happen from a single use of this drug. People must have used for months or years to develop psychosis.
Hallucination may be associated with all five sense:
Auditory:The user may hear voices.
Visual: Seeing people, things or animals.For example seeing a tribal leader with a bomb.
Olfactory: False perception of smelling odors.
Tactile: False perception of the sense of touch. For example user may experience a worm crawling under his skin.
Gustatory : A false perception of the sense of taste. Use may refuse to eat because he taste poison in his food.
I t is difficult to distinguish amphetamine psychosis from acute schizophrenia.

Mohamed Buwe Osman, MD
American Board Certified Physician &
Accomplished Visual Artist

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