Sunday, March 3, 2013

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


It is a type of anxiety that occurs after someone had witnessed or experienced a traumatic event that involved threat of injury or death.
In our changing world such threats are common and are linked due civil wars, social and religious movements. Causes of PTSD include terror, violence, rape, domestic violence, traumatic bodily harms like Female Genital Mutilation. There is a wide spectrum of symptoms incurred in this disorder such as flashback episodes of the event, repeated upsetting memories, feeling of detachment from the event, lack of interest in normal activities, despair, hyperlvigilance, outburst of anger, insomnia, anhedonia, lack of sexual arousal, fluctuating mood, depression and even suicidal attempts.
PTSD is quite common among displaced refugees who were exposed to such threats.

Mohamed Buwe Osman,MD
Physician & Artist

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