Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I am Nicotine

I Am Nicotine
His birth place is unknown
He is the product of tobacco
His name is nicotine

Nicotine brings prosperity to its manufacturers
Nicotine bring prosperity to its cultivators
Nicotine contirbutes to the world economy.
Nicotine provides jobs to millions of people.

I have known Mr nicotine long time ago
I encountered him while at Medical School
I was introduced to him by my med professors.

Since then I know nicotine as being a virulent agent
Since then I know nicotine as being a slow killer.
Since then I know nicotine as being hazardous to health.

Nicotine is a poisonous remedy
It relieves tension in humans
It relieves anxiety in humans
It relieves depression in humans.

Nicotine causes a heavenly pleasure
Its effect is similiar to that of opiates
Nicotine is habit forming.
People learn this heavenly  pleasure
People will pursue to obtain this pleasure
People will buy this pleasure.
People therefore  sustain the vitality of this agent.

His name is nicotine
He is a world known habit forming drug.
He is not perceived as an illicit drug
He causes numerous health ailments
He causes budget draining
He causes high cost to control its sequels.

Dr Mohammed Osman, MD
Physician & Artist

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