I don’t like me
I feel heavy
My knees hurt when I walk
My doctor says it is due to my weight.
I feel I look different
I sense that everyone is looking at me
“She is fat” is what I hear inside me.
I am scared to look self in the mirror
A mirror can not tell a lie.
It will reflect the reality of my true body.
I do not enjoy shopping.
It reminds me of my dress size.
It hurts to feel being obese.
I looked different back home in Africa
I never felt concerned about my body image.
I was thin and well conditioned.
Now I live abroad in America.
I am surrounded by an overflow of food.
I wonder why there should be hunger in this country.
Wherever I go I am followed by food.
Food is deregulating my rational instinct of eating.
There is sugar in everything I eat.
It feels like there is a habit forming element in everything I taste.
TV is my close friend. TV wants me to sit, all the time, on the coach
It communicates with my craving center of the brain.
It urges me to eat more and more
It tells me not to move or exercise.
I feel guilty of eating excessively.
I feel guilty of not exercising.
I feel tired and exhausted after work.
Is there any place better than my coach to rest.
That is how my day ends.
Can you help me.
Dr Mohamed Osman, MD
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