Friday, December 7, 2012

ED in Refugees

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION IN REFUGEES He is an African immigrant. He is a naturalized American. He lives in North America. He is exposed to stress. He is exposed to pollution He is exposed to discrimination. He is a slave to his work. He works long hours He has less time to enjoy with family. His family finds him changed. The culture of care and attention had melted. His wife sees him a different man. She suspects him having an affair. He became hard to arouse. He failed to have erection. He feels distressed. He feels angry at himself. He feels guilty. He has a physician. He feels uneasy to talk about his sexual misery The doctor feels also uneasy asking him about his sexual life. He consults with his country mate. He is given a non prescription remedy. “Yahaas Engeg” was the name. It stands for a dried, salted flesh of a shark. It worked for ED back home in Africa. Here in America it failed to work. He consults with a friend at work. He goes back to his physician. He mentions this time about his ED He is given a prescription of Viagra. It worked. He felt great. His distress evaporates. His stress remains unchanged. His ED remains chronic He remains dependent on Viagra. Viagra drains his pocket. Is there a way out! Dr Mohamed Osman, Artist & Physician

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