Thursday, December 13, 2012


ELEPHANTHIAIS My leg is swelling and growinG in size. The skin over it is thickening. It feels as if someone pumped fluid into it. I feel my leg quite heavy. I am experiencing diffficulties with my ambulation. I have to drag it to be able to walk and keep my balance. Am I an unfortunate victim of witchcraft! My friend is a medical assistant. He suggested me to see a specialist. He explained to me that my leg swelling is caused by parasitic worms. They tend to harbor the lymphatic system. They tend to obstruct this pipe like fluid system. Due to thii elicited lymphatic obstruction, the fluid in this pipe tube is unable to move freely up and down along my leg. Therefore an excessive amount of fluid is accumulated which causes the swelling. He mentioned to me that this condition is called Elephanthiasis. He recommended me to see a specialist for treatment. Mohamed Osman, MD Physician & Artist

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